RAC ACS Retail Manager 1

ACS - Retail Manager

The RAC program Retail Manager (for Indigenous Candidates)* is intended for First Nations, Inuits and Métis with real-life experience in sales of products and services in a commercial setting .

The 10 competencies of the program especially refer to knowledge and skills necessary for building, supervising and training a sales team, as well as managing all aspects of a retail business (sales, team supervision, retail space management, etc.).

*Program available online and offered in English.

French Language requirements

As of fall 2023, as defined by the regulations of the Ministère de la Langue française, to obtain an ACS, candidates must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of French, by means of a standardized test, if they are taught in English.

For those interested in enrolling in a program offered in English, certain situations may attest that they meet the French language knowledge requirements (e.g., having studied in French, holding a diploma, etc.). If you hold a Certificate of Eligibility to receive instruction in English (CEO), acquired at primary or secondary level in the Quebec school system, you do not need to meet the French language requirements.

Competencies evaluated

  • The ten competencies of the program refer to knowledge and skills related to sales, customer service, team management, as well as marketing.

    • Communicate and interact in a commercial management context
    • Build a sales team
    • Supervise a sales team
    • Train sales staff
    • Sell products and services in a commercial establishment
    • Ensure the visual presentation and supply of retail space
    • Implement and supervise customer service using a client-centred approach
    • Analyze accounting information and use software for commercial management
    • Apply a management process in a marketing context
    • Integrate the labour market through an internship
Visit the French page.