Steps in the RAC Process

The Recognition of Acquired Competencies process is designed to meet the needs of adults who have significant experience (personal or professional) in a field related to a program of study.

The RAC process helps adults obtain a Diploma or an Attestation of College Studies by demonstrating the mastery of his competencies.

Throughout the process, specialists evaluate the assignments required to obtain recognition of the competencies and offer personalized training, if necessary.

Steps to follow during the process

Information session (mandatory): During this meeting, the RAC process is presented in detail to help the candidates decide if it fits their experience and needs. The specifics and requirements of the program of study in question are also discussed.

File an application: Admissibility is based on the application filed by the candidates along with the various documents required. An academic advisor will examine each file to determine whether the candidates satisfy the admission criteria for the college, program of study and the RAC process.

Self-assessment and validation interview: A self-assessment allows the candidates to evaluate themselves in regards to the competencies of the program of study. Program specialists then conduct a validation interview to determine whether the RAC process is the best option for the candidates. A recommendation is issued to determine if the process is suitable for each candidate.

Welcoming: A welcome meeting is scheduled to formalize the start of the RAC process. The validation recommendation is explained to the candidates. They also obtain information about the different services, policies and regulations of the Cégep. The first assignment is received and explained. The candidate may now begin the evaluation of competencies process.

Evaluation: When the validation begins, various means of competency evaluations are suggested to the candidates in the form of interviews, assignments and tasks to perform at the Cégep or at the workplace.

Missing training: Once a competency has been evaluated, the candidate may be asked to participate in a brief training in order to integrate competency elements that were not demonstrated. This partial training can be done in various ways, including small group training, targeted readings, supervision, etc.

Academic transcript and diploma: At the end of each semester, the candidates receive their academic transcript. The candidates will receive an Attestation of College Studies (ACS) or a Diploma of College Studies (DCS) from Cégep Marie-Victorin at the end of the chosen program of study, once all the competencies have been attained.

Steps in the RAC process Information Session
Steps in the RAC process File an application
Steps in the RAC process Self assesment and validation interview
Steps in the RAC process Welcoming
Steps in the RAC process Evaluation
Steps in the RAC process Missing training
Steps in the RAC process Diploma

Admission and registration fees (non-refundable) : $100

SPECIFIC EDUCATION : $ 40 per competency, up to a maximum of $ 500

GENERAL EDUCATION : $ 40 per competency, up to a maximum of $ 300

The process fees are established once the validation is completed, following the recommendations of the specialist.

Since this is an individual process, the duration will be reduced if more time is allocated.

The length of time needed to complete the process depends on how much time you can invest each week.