RAC ACS Early Childhood Education

ACS - Early Childhood Education

The RAC Early Childhood Education (for Indigenous Candidates)* program is intended for First Nations, Inuit and Métis people who have practical experience as a child care worker or child care technician and who wish to have this experience recognized by obtaining an Attestation of College Studies (ACS).

The experience may have been acquired in public or private daycare centres, in family daycare services or in school daycare services within the community or elsewhere.

*Program available online and offered in English by Vanier College.

French language requirements

As of fall 2023, as defined by the regulations of the Ministère de la Langue française, to obtain an ACS, candidates must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of French, by means of a standardized test, if they are taught in English.

For those interested in enrolling in a program offered in English, certain situations may attest that they meet the French language knowledge requirements (e.g., having studied in French, holding a diploma, etc.). If you hold a Certificate of Eligibility to receive instruction in English (CEO), acquired at primary or secondary level in the Quebec school system, you do not need to meet the French language requirements.

Competencies evaluated

  • The following are the 16 competencies in the Early Childhood Education ACS program.

    • To observe children’s behaviour
    • To assess a child’s needs with respect to their overall development
    • To establish an affective relationship with children
    • To provide support to a child
    • To intervene with respect to the behaviour of a child or a group of children
    • To communicate in the workplace
    • To design activities promoting overall child development
    • To organize educational activities
    • To lead educational activities
    • To function safely in the work environment
    • To intervene with respect to a child’s health
    • To promote good nutrition
    • To analyze a child’s specific needs 
    • To establish a partnership with parents and resource persons
    • To define the pedagogical model and approach to be applied in educational daycare services
    • To examine the job functions of an educator
Visit the French page.