RAC ACS Office Administration

ACS - Office Administration

The RAC Office Administration (for Indigenous Candidates)* program is intended for First Nations, Inuit and Métis people who have practical experience as an office administrative assistant or clerk and who wish to have this experience recognized by obtaining an Attestation of Collegial Studies (ACS).

*Program available online and offered in English.

French language requirements

As of fall 2023, as defined by the regulations of the Ministère de la Langue française, to obtain an ACS, candidates must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of French, by means of a standardized test, if they are taught in English.

For those interested in enrolling in a program offered in English, certain situations may attest that they meet the French language knowledge requirements (e.g., having studied in French, holding a diploma, etc.). If you hold a Certificate of Eligibility to receive instruction in English (CEO), acquired at primary or secondary level in the Quebec school system, you do not need to meet the French language requirements.

Competencies evaluated

  • The eight competencies of the program refer to knowledge and skills related to office work, computer and information technology, as well as work organisation.

    • Produce documents
    • Use word processing software
    • Process and present data
    • Develop and adapt a records management system
    • Integrate office administration tools into the tasks and responsibilities of an administrative assistant
    • Use tools and services related to office work
    • Organize and oversee work within the office
    • Correct grammatical and linguistic errors in English texts related to business
Visit the French page.