Montreal International Conference On Education in Prison

Montreal International Conference On Education in Prison

Join us for this exciting event and help spread the word about innovative research and practice in prison education!

About the event

The UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for Prison Education, in collaboration with the Département d'éducation et formations spécialisées de l'Université du Québec (UQAM), the École de criminologie de l'Université de Montréal (UDEM), La Société de criminologie du Québec, L'Association des services de réhabilitation sociale du Québec (ASRSQ), the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and L’institut de coopération pour l'éducation des adultes (ICÉA), with the financial support of the Minister of Public Security of Quebec (MSP) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec,  is proud to organize the first Montreal International Conference on prison education.

This event aims to explore research and educational practices in carceral settings, and to highlight the various innovative citizen, community and institutional practices in the field of education in prison, in the broadest sense.

Our event is a scientific conference, but also a public and cultural event designed to raise awareness of the essential role played by educational practices in the social and community reintegration processes of incarcerated people.

Please note that this event is bilingual, French-English. Simultaneous interpretation will be available on site for participants. 

For more details, please consult the following pdf files :

About the UNESCO Chair

The UNESCO Chair in Applied Research for Education in Prison, affiliated with Cégep Marie-Victorin, has been involved for several years in disseminating and promoting research activities on education in prisons, highlighting the fundamental role that education, in all its forms, plays in the social reintegration of incarcerated people, who are among society's most vulnerable and marginalized populations. The UNESCO Chair aims to improve educational practices in the prison continuum through research, the dissemination of research on education in prisons and the networking of people involved in different educational practices in the prison context.

Its creation follows on from the 2009 Belem (Brazil) Framework for Action, which recommends providing adult education in prisons at all appropriate levels. Given UNESCO's role and mandate in its implementation, the UNESCO Chair in Applied Research on Education in Prison helps to support and initiate research on adult education in prison.


The mission of the UNESCO Chair is to promote, stimulate and encourage applied research into the various aspects of prison education, and to intensify international reflection and action in this field.


1. Applied research. Identify and analyze institutional, political and pedagogical issues related to prison education.
2. Documentation center. Collect, organize and disseminate innovative research and practices in prison education.
3. Community of interest. To create an international community of interest enabling researchers, practitioners, managers and workers to exchange and disseminate their research and innovative practices in prison education.
4. Training and awareness-raising. Contribute to the improvement of prison education services through training and awareness-raising among decision-makers on the benefits of prison education.

Frédérick Armstrong, Co-chair in research

514 325-0150, poste 2120

Marc-André Lacelle, Development and research advisor
514 325-0150, ext. 2077

Camille Trembley, pedagogical consultant, development strategy and communication
514 325-0150, ext. 2769

General information